Goodbyes – off to new beginnings


We say goodbye all the time.

When we’re leaving a gathering, when we’re leaving the office, leaving a loved one, when we’re leaving from one place to another, we say it all the time.

Sometimes it’s harder to say, harder to leave, and other times it’s needed and it’s much easier to do. Ans other times we say goodbye even when we don’t want to.

No matter the circumstance, 3/5 times, goodbyes are hard to say and carry out.

But with goodbyes often follow new chapters.

When you leave that gathering you’re probably going to another one or going home to recharge. When you leave the office you probably have a night out planned with friends or family. When you’re leaving your job you probably have another amazing one lined up, waiting for you to start.

Chapters close, and new chapters open.

But saying goodbye is sometimes great until you have to deal with the sadness that often comes with it.

Even when you know you have new chapters lined up for you, looking back at the past, asking all the “what ifs?” can cause sadness and maybe sometimes even regret.

But nothing is permanent, everything comes to an end at some point.

Here are some tips that could possibly help you in your time of transitioning.

TIP 1: Look at the bigger picture! – Remember that goodbyes are necessary to move on, progress and grow as an individual. Staying in your comfort zone, or in a place that doesn’t bring you joy, will only cause you more harm than good.

TIP 2: A support system! – Have a strong support system around you to help you go through your journey. Lean on shoulders when you have to and take things once step at a time, and at your own pace.

TIP 3: It’s okay to turn back! – It’s alright if things don’t work out and you regret saying goodbye. Most times, going back is still an option and could be better for you. Whatever it is, make the best decision for yourself.

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